Sunday, August 17, 2008


Watching an episode of Everyday Italian yesterday afternoon, I found myself inspired to make a chocolate pudding dish I saw. Unfortunately, I later found the recipe online and it required more work than I liked. So I decided to make budino. I actually had it once or twice before after a friend recommended I try a recipe she likes, found on her blog. I made one by Nigella Lawson--I've seen her on Food Network and took a look at one of her cookbooks, she seems to excel at homey, comfort desserts.

Here's a link to her recipe, Budino Di Cioccolato.

I like this recipe because it is quick and relatively easy, plus I had all the ingredients on hand. The consistency is velvety smooth, like the center of a chocolate truffle (like my favorite Moonstruck truffle, Pure Gold), yum! I didn't notice a significant change in texture after letting it cool completely overnight, so I recommend trying it warm and chilled to find what you like best.

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