Tuesday, September 13, 2011

last taste of summer

It's been really hot around here for over a week, then suddenly, cool temperatures are back! Kinda makes it feel like the real end to summer and while I'm not quite yet ready to let it go, I will carry this drink with me into the fall: shaken iced tea.

I discovered this drink on the menu at Starbucks and couldn't get enough of it. Perfectly brewed black tea, served over ice, and just slightly sweetened? Yes, please. Also doesn't hurt that it's the cheapest drink on the menu ;) Then I realized I could make the same drink and have it on hand all the time at home. All I'd need was some tea, some sweetener, ice, and a cocktail shaker for good measure.

Tea: experiment, play around, find what you like! I tend to use black tea (PG Tips tea bags or loose-leaf), but I've also had success with Yerba Mate. I make a batch of 1.5 liters at a time, traditional hot brew method, then chill in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Sweetener: simple syrup is quick and easy to make--boil equal parts water and sugar, then lower heat to a simmer for about 5 minutes. Otherwise, I think agave could be quite nice. It needs to dissolve completely in cold water.

Using a cocktail shaker, for added flair, add several ice cubes, followed by tea, and a splash of sweetener. Shake vigorously and pour into a glass. Without cocktail shaker, put ingredients in a glass and stir to combine.

I love this too because it can be custom tailored to your taste. Like extra strong tea? Brew it up! Extra sweet? Bring on the simple syrup.

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