Sunday, April 1, 2012

finished project: chocolate stout cake

It took almost two years, but I finally got around to baking something on my list: chocolate stout cake. I originally spotted this recipe a while back, bought the Guinness, and then neglected to make any movement on the project. Just a few days ago I found another recipe for the cake and coincidentally had everything I needed to make it. Off I went! Cracking open that beer this morning (for the cake, not drinking!) felt very satisfying in that I finally finished what I set off to do so long ago.

I baked my stout cake in an 8 inch springform pan and enjoyed a nice slice tonight after dinner. Was it worth the wait? YES. Moist and rich, it was satisfying even to a non beer fan like myself. Most will make its way to the freezer and be enjoyed for many weeks to come.

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