Friday, September 7, 2012

Failed Chard

Don't you hate it when you try a new recipe that looks and/or sounds fantastic, or you try an ingredient outside your standard box, and it ends up a disaster??

I've always had a hard time with chard. It's a gorgeous ingredient and lures me in more than I care to admit, sitting pretty at the farmer's market or produce department with its beautiful reds, oranges, yellows, and greens. I can't help but buy it! And every time I'm mystified as to how best cook it. Normally it ends up in a sauté pan with oil and basic seasonings. This time I cooked it with bell pepper which nearly ruined dinner with the bitterness.

Why do I rant? Because something so beautiful shouldn't turn out so terribly. Because I need serious recipe help when it comes to chard. Because I want to remember this the next time I walk past the chard and feel like I can't resist. Next time? Better find a real recipe.


  1. Yeah chard's a tough one. Bitter and that chewy stem. The best use for it is indian dishes, palak paneer or sag aloo. You chop up the chard, discarding the stem (I use food processor to get it pretty fine, like confetti bits). then it is cooked with onions, garlic, spices and topped with either milk/buttermilk or cashew milk for the vegan version. Add steamed potatoes (sag aloo) or baked/fried tofu or paneer cheese.

  2. That actually sounds promising! Indian food to the rescue ;)
