Monday, November 12, 2012

Vanilla Cinnamon Walnuts Roasted with Bacon Fat

I had a rare moment this weekend when I shot of inspiration hit me like a lightning bolt. I knew I wanted to make a breakfast salad and I knew mostly what I wanted to put on top of it. This is the first post of a few dedicated to this salad.

I took inspiration from Elena's Pantry and her Vanilla Roasted Walnuts, a recipe which I adore. But it needed something extra to set it apart, make it worthy of breakfast, you know? So the natural move is to incorporate bacon fat because bacon makes everything better. Even these nuts.

Vanilla Cinnamon Walnuts Roasted with Bacon Fat


  • 1/2 C raw walnuts
  • 1 tbsp bacon fat
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • Seeds of half a vanilla bean
  • 1 tbsp agave nectar


  1. Place a cast iron skillet over medium-low heat. Add the bacon fat to the pan. When melted, add the walnuts to the pan, stirring a bit to distribute.
  2. When the nuts begin to get some color, add the cinnamon and vanilla bean seeds, stirring to fully incorporate. Continue to roast, stirring occasionally, but making sure not to let the nuts burn.
  3. Finally, add the agave to the pan and stir vigorously. Remove nuts from pan and allow to cool.

After the nuts cool, you can really taste the bacon fat on these! Certainly not vegan, but oh so delicious. They'd be great on their own, served with drinks, and of course, on a salad. These would make a great gift for the bacon connoisseur in your life, too. You can thank me later.

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