Saturday, December 22, 2012

Discovering Hidden Inspiration

We're quickly approaching the new year which is a great time for reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the next one. For me, this has become a time for getting organized in the kitchen and redefining kitchen/cooking goals based on how I eat, cook, and live.

My first goal is to reduce the amount of waste coming out of my kitchen. No one likes to admit they let things go bad or throw food out, but we all do it. I have a tendency to hold onto things even when they're not fresh anymore because I don't want to admit my failure. It's like eating the terribly rubber chicken you overcooked for dinner, or recipe you completely messed up, telling yourself it isn't that bad; we do it not only to not waste food (an admirable standard), but so we don't have to admit defeat and come up with a new plan. Figure out when to cut your loses and move on. I was holding onto old yogurt, juice, etc. because I wanted to maintain the illusion that I would still be able to use it. Toss and move on.

Related to the first, my second goal is to become better at menu planning with multiple meals using similar ingredients, buying no more than what I need, and knowing what else I can make with an ingredient when I end up with extras. For example, use vegetables in stir-fries, fried rice, steamed for salad, roasted, or freeze as a last resort.

My last goal is to stop being so lazy! That means taking time to prep vegetables for the week, taking time to find new and interesting recipes, and taking the time to have fun and experiment in the kitchen.

As with any new venture, the first few days of inspiration likely will not be enough to carry you through each passing week, month, or year. It's about the choices we'll make each day that will dictate success. For me, it started admitting failure and cleaning out the fridge of all the old stuff I was holding onto, next will be inventorying the pantry so I can use up old things and rediscover hidden inspiration.

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